How to Create High-Quality Blogs from Tutorial Videos Using AI

Andrew Petrovics
Mar 20, 2024

Whether you're a content creator, a marketer, or just someone who wants to share valuable information, being able to convert videos into engaging blogs can save you time and enhance your reach. This guide will walk you through the process of creating high-quality blogs from tutorial videos using AI tools.

Step 1: Get a YouTube URL

The first step in this process is to obtain a video URL. You can choose any tutorial video from YouTube that interests you. For this example, we'll be using a video titled How to Jump Rope. This video is under the Creative Commons license, allowing us to reuse it freely.

Once you find the video, simply copy its URL. You can also upload a video directly if your video is not already on YouTube. 

Step 2: Configure Advanced Options

After obtaining the video URL, head over to Video To Blog. We offer several advanced options that can significantly enhance the quality of your blog. Let's take a closer look at these features.

Enable Premium Transcriptions (optional)

One of the first options to consider is enabling "Premium Transcriptions." This feature uses a high-quality transcription service that provides a better transcription than the default YouTube captions. While this does cost credits, the investment is worthwhile, especially for short videos.

A better transcription allows the AI to understand the content more accurately, resulting in a higher quality blog. If you believe the existing YouTube transcription is sufficient, feel free to skip this step to save credits.

Auto Add Screenshots

One of the most powerful features is the "Auto Add Screenshots" option. This is particularly useful for tutorial or DIY videos since it automatically captures relevant screenshots throughout the video. This saves you time and enhances the visual appeal of your blog.

Enabling Auto Add Screenshots

Include Links from Description

Another important feature is the ability to include links from the video description. Quality blogs typically contain scannable content, visuals, and links. This not only enhances SEO but also provides readers with resources for further exploration.

Generate SEO Metadata

Enabling the generation of SEO metadata is essential for improving your blog's visibility. This feature automatically creates a meta title, description, and URL slug, ensuring that your blog is optimized for search engines.

Include a FAQ Section

Adding a Frequently Asked Questions section can significantly boost your blog's SEO potential. This section addresses common queries related to your topic, making it more likely that your blog will appear in search results.

Including FAQ Section

Once you've configured all these options, you're ready to create your blog. Click on the "Create Blog" button, and the platform will start generating your blog content.

Step 3: Review, Proofread, and Edit

After the blog generation process is complete, it's crucial to review and proofread your content. This step ensures that the blog aligns with your expectations and maintains a high standard of quality.

The generated content will typically include a catchy title, a short introduction, and several subheaders with concise paragraphs. This structure makes the blog scannable and easy to read, catering to how most people consume online content today.

Check the Screenshots

As you proofread, pay special attention to the automatically generated screenshots. While the AI is proficient at selecting relevant images, you may want to adjust or replace any that don't accurately represent the content.

Checking Screenshots

For instance, if a screenshot captures a moment that’s less informative or visually appealing, you can easily swap it out for a better option. This ensures that your blog remains visually engaging and informative.

Content Analyzer

The platform also includes a content analyzer that checks for readability and other important metrics. If the content appears to be written by AI, you might want to adjust it using the "Humanize" button, which rewrites parts of the blog to make it less detectable by AI detection tools.

Step 4: Regenerate with Additional Instructions (if needed)

If you're not satisfied with the initial output, you can regenerate the blog with specific instructions. This feature allows you to customize the content further by specifying the number of headings, the format (e.g., bullet points), or even particular keywords to include.

Regenerating the Blog

For example, you might specify that you want only three subheadings or that the word "pirate" should appear in the first paragraph. This tailored approach ensures that the final product matches your vision closely.


Creating high-quality blogs from tutorial videos using AI is a straightforward process that can save you time and effort. By following the steps outlined above, you can efficiently transform video content into engaging written articles that resonate with your audience.

With features like premium transcriptions, auto screenshots, and SEO optimization, platforms like Video To Blog offer invaluable tools for content creators. Embrace the power of AI and elevate your content strategy by turning videos into captivating blogs.