Generate blog posts
Import sources
These are all the places you can import videos from (more coming soon).YouTube
Upload video/audio file
Record audio
Upload video/audio file
Record audio
Upload video/audio file
Record audio
Video length
The maximum duration of a video.Max file size
The maximum file size when uploading a video/audio file.Regenerations
How many times you can regenerate a blog post.Bulk generation
Generate multiple blog posts at once. Learn more.Automations
Automatically generate blog posts when new videos are released on a particular YouTube channel. Learn more.Channel integrations
Easily view and (multi) select videos from a particular YouTube channel. Learn more.Customize blog posts
Custom instructions
Tell the AI exactly what kind of content you want to generate with custom instructions. Learn more.Automatic links
Have the AI automatically include links into your blog post from your website, YouTube description, or anywhere else. Learn more.Custom CTAs
Create and automatically include stunning CTAs into your blog post with ease. Learn more.Multi-language
Generate blog posts in just about any language you can think of regardless of the video's language. Learn more.Custom Tone / POV
Specify the exact tone and point of view you want your blog post to be written in. Learn more.FAQs
Automatically generate a FAQ section at the end of your blog post. Learn more.Table of contents
Easily include a table of contents in your blog post in one click. Learn more.Templates
Create and save templates with your favorite configuration settings to make creating blog posts even easier. Learn more.Blog length
Choose between short (~800 words), medium (~1500 words), and long (~3000 word) blog post lengths. Learn more.Premium transcriptions
Transcribe your video using our premium transcription service which leads to higher quality transcripts and, in turn, higher quality blog posts. Learn more.Blog post visuals
Video Thumbnails
Easily include a video's thumbnail image into your blog post. Learn more.Screenshots
Have the AI automatically include screenshots from the video into your blog post. Learn more.Stock Images
Automatically include stock images from Unsplash into your blog post. Learn more.AI Images
Generate stunning, 100% unique AI images (powered by Recraft) into your blog post. Learn more.Edit blog posts
Full document editor
Edit generated blog posts with a fully featured document editor. Advanced image editor
Crop, annotate, enhance any image with our advanced image editor. Learn more.Screenshot selector
Easily add screenshots into your blog post after generation with our easy to use screenshot selector tool. Learn more.Stock image selector
Easily add stock images from Unsplash into your blog post with our stock image selector tool. No need to leave the app. Learn more.AI edits
Use our built in AI editor to levage AI to edit and tweak your content. Learn more.AI writer
Expand your blog post by using our AI writer to add additional content to your blog post. Learn more.SEO optimization
Auto generated metadata
All blog generations will have metadata (meta-title, meta-description, slug, tags, etc) automatically generated. Learn more.Keyphrase optimization
Optimize your blog post on a particular keyword / keyphrase. Learn more.Auto image alt tags
All auto added images (screenshots, AI generated images, stock images) come with automatically generated alt tags.Keyphrase analyzer
Analyze how optimized your blog post is on a particular keyword or keyphrase. Learn more.Readability analyzer
Understand how readable your blog post is and make sure it matches with your intended audience. Learn more.Content structure analyzer
Make sure your blog post is properly structured with right sized paragraphs, sections, sentences, and more. Learn more.Social media promotions
Promote your blog post on social media and email with autogenerate promotions specialized for each social media platform (including hastags). Learn more.Image optimization
All screenshots and AI generated images are optimized to use .webp format which greatly reduces image size and makes your website faster. AI content detector
Determine whether your blog post will is likely to be flagged by AI content detectors (powered by Rephrasy). Learn more.Humanizer
Humanize your content in one click so it passes AI content detectors (powered by Rephrasy). Learn more.Publications
Custom subdomain
Host your publication on your very own subdomain. Learn more.Connect custom domain
Connect your custom domain (or subdomain) to your publication. Learn more.SEO optimized
All publications come optimized for SEO out of the box.Customize design / layout
Make your publication stand out by customizing the design, colors, fonts, layout, and much more. Learn more.Analytics
Keep track of your publication's traffic and metrics with our built in analytics. Learn more.Number of published posts
Publish at many posts as your heart desires.Number of publications
How many publications you can create per account.Export options
Our most popular website
Connect your
Integration your Ghost account and export blog posts directly to your site.Shopify
Easily integrate your Shopify website to export blog posts directly.Medium
Publish and export blog posts right to your Medium site.Wix
Integrate your Wix site in seconds.Blogger
Export blog posts directly to your Blogger sites.Webflow
Send blog posts your Webflow sites in one click.HTML
Export blog posts as raw HTML and take anywhere you want.Markdown
Copy or download your blog post in markdown format.PDF
Convert your blog post into a PDF to download and share.Word
Export your blog post as a Word doc.Support
Full access to all of our documentation.Basic Support
Use the built in help dialog to ask for help at any time.Priority Support
Skip the queue and get priority support at anytime from our experts.